Creating checklist templates

Templates tell Pilla which checklists to create and when to create them.

So Pilla can create the correct checklists at the correct time, you need to create checklists templates.

💡 Each checklist template belongs to a team. So only people in that team will see the checklist. So kitchen staff won’t be distracted by front of house checks for example.

💡 You can start simply by having the same checklist every day of the week. For example having the same 'opening checklist' run every day. Then later you could have a separate opening checklist for each day with specific jobs for that day "Monday Opening', 'Tuesday Opening' and so on.

💡 If you have a checklist that you want to stay active all week, like a cleaning schedule that staff can work on all week, then set the checklist to run on one day (like Monday) and set the hours needed as 168 (which is 7 days of 24 hours)

🎞 The video explainer below shows how to create checklist templates.